Come, Let's Go to Bethlehem (Komm, wir ziehen nach Bethlehem)

Come, Let's Go to Bethlehem (Komm, wir ziehen nach Bethlehem)

How To Make an Elephant from a Mosquito (Die unglaubliche Geschichte, wie die Mücke zum Elefanten wurde)

Someone making an elephant out of a mosquito is something we experience everyday. But have you ever wondered how it could REALLY be done? Amazing magic? An anatomical miracle? Well, this delightful card game shows us one plausible answer! With cheeky illustrations and fast flipbook-paced card laying the entertaining solution is revealed!
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Only 6 left
Someone making an elephant out of a mosquito is something we experience everyday. But have you ever wondered how it could REALLY be done? Amazing magic? An anatomical miracle? Well, this delightful card game shows us one plausible answer! With cheeky illustrations and fast flipbook-paced card laying the entertaining solution is revealed!

More Information
Contents 66 Cards
Rules of Play

Ages Ages 6 and Up
Players 2 - 5 Players
Playing Time 10 minutes
Publisher Moses
Designer Martin Nedergaard Anderson
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